Friday, June 15, 2007

Mr. Lewis' Birthday Zap-In!

Now it's Prime Time to celebrate!
Ramses Catering made no mistake,
It was a long, hard one to decorate -
Have you ever had an Egyptian cake?

Grab a knife and let's get cutting!
A Taste of Blood - or is that just frosting?
The Big Blast band will play and sing!
The Colonel brought some thighs and wings!

The guests are here; hey, Lucky Pierre,
Stop peeping at Miss Nymphette's underwear!
The odor of Lysol and beef in the air?
Astrid, please get that tongue out of here!

Monster A Go-Go, you old killjoy,
Alley Tramp would dance, if you weren't so coy!
Don't touch the art, Jimmy, Wonder Boy,
The Adam Sorg paintings aren't a toy!

Those maniacs from Pleasant Valley
Brought homemade drinks; right up your alley.
This stuff'll kill ya... so fill 'er up!
Uh, Abraham Gentry, do you need two cups?

A toast! To Gordon Weisenborn,
To R.L Smith and Seymour Sheldon,
Hoist a glass to Armand Parys,
That man of many pseudo-names,

Hats off to Herschell Gordon Lewis,
King of All Arterial Spewage,
The Gore-Gore Boy, the Sultan of Splatter,
Happy Birthday, and thanks for the movies, Godfather.

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